Point A was on January 1, 2024, when I decided to keep a three-day black fasting, and point B - New Year's Eve 2024, which, for the first time in my life, lasted two nights. Now, as I write this, I fe...
In my transdisciplinary project, Memories From the Future-Video Intallation, I explored a very personal area, addressing themes of cultural heritage and how it carries us through time. The work includ...
The film *Clara* (IMDB) is now making its way into cinemas across Romania. This summer, *Clara* (trailer) had its premiere on a scorching July 18th in Timișoara, during the *Ceau Cinema* festival. It...
Donauschicksale/ Danube Destinies/ Destine dunarene at the German Theater in Timisoara.In July 2023, I had the privilege of directing Donauschicksale, an itinerant performance that explored the untold...
2023 was an unforgettable year, marked by Timisoara’s designation as the European Capital of Culture. This year opened up new opportunities, allowed me to meet inspiring artists, a...
"Ethnic Love Mix Vol.12" is the newest show within our multicultural project Remix ID, which I directed. It was quite a journey this past months (July-Oct 2022) to put together an amazing amount of do...
So happy to have been selected for the Off Europa Festival with the Online Version of V.I.P.- Very Isolated Person written and directed by Paula Breuer, concept Olga Torok played in German with Englis...
So excited about filming "Clara" the movie. My first lead part in a movie. A wonderful team, great colleagues. "Clara" directed by Sabin Dorohoi and filmed by cinematographer Lulu de Hillerin in Marc...
On the cover of the latest issue of the Scena magazine I am ripping the "Purple Firefish" costume of my body.The design was made by Cristina Milea aka Sarlatan.ro. Cristina is a wonderful stage and co...
Am participat in luna iunie 2021 la "International Visitors Programme" a Festivalului de Teatru Independent "Impulse" alături de alți creatori de teatru, de la actori, dramaturgi la manageri cultur...
V.I.P.-Very Isolated Person was nominated in the category "Best TV/ Online Show" on the 27th of May 2021. This news comes with such a big joy, cause this project started as an independent project (no...
don't we all say that... Despite the shock on the 12th of March, when the Romanian government decided to close all theatres and cancelling the opening night of the show "Quartett" by Heiner Muller a...
O veste atat de buna pentru Paula si pentru mine: din 11 noimebrie V.I.P. Very Isolated Person se joaca in repertoriul Teatrului German de Stat din Timisoara.Noua directoare interimara Ioana Iacob a h...
“V.I.P.- Very Isolated Person”Teatru online pe Zoom în limba germană cu subtitrare în limba românăÎn spectacolul nostru online, o urmărim pe Nina, unul din cele mai tragice personaje a pie...
Din 2018 Remix ID a prins contur, un proiect cultural multi etnic complex in zona Banatului.Ma bucur sa fac parte din aceasta echipa valoroasa ca si coordnator artistic. Proiectul multi etnic cultura...
First of all I'll explain the name: Olga and yoga is y o L g a. Easy as that. So, y o L g a is a movement workshop, based on yoga and 80s-90s pop moves, created by actress Olga Torok. The concept...
Oana Stoica, critic de teatru, a făcut lista echipei naționale de fotbal feminin in ale actoriei, pentru revista de cultură SCENA 9. Spre marea mea bucurie mă aflu, împreună cu Silvia Torok, in ...
September and November 2018 I have been working on two documentary theater projects with director Carmen Lidia Vidu. On the 4th of October "Romania's Jurnal. Timisoara" had it's opening night at the...
This summer was all about the art exhibition organized by the cultural association Meta Spatiu, Timisoara at the third edition of “Baroque Urban”, called “Woman All Too Woman”. The Art Museum ...
UNITER (The Romanian Theater Union) nominated me on the 27th of february 2018 for best actress in a leading part, in the play "The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erendira and Her Heartless Gran...
MISC (miscelaneu) is the new cultural space in Timisoara, Romania opened on the 22nd of September 2017. I m an actress playing in three different languages (German, Romanian, English) for about 10 ye...
"Se supără (pe bună dreptate) dacă îi spui „răsfăţată”: a ajuns acolo unde a ajuns prin muncă, foarte multă muncă. „E bună munca grea. Sunt pentru ea.” – mărturiseşte Olga Tö...
By placing the human body outside the world, within a region bare of atmosphere, in an abstract world outside the world, a space without space, the French artist, Jospeha Blanchet, multiplies the conc...
The band “Grimus” launched their new single “Fregate” and my childhood dream to play in a music video came true. We were filming for three days in Cluj city. Even though the script is a very s...
Cultura “Bubble Gum” (Guma de Mestecat”) este o forma de divertisment usurel, de consum, pe intelesul tuturor, produsa tocmai pentru a satisface mase intregi de oameni. Pe deoparte acest lucru n...
What a great experience to create Reconstruction with Art: an audio video installation, in one of the greatest places in Timisoara, the Art Museum. The event was powered by the German Cultural Institu...